10 Powerful Habits that will Accelerate your Career

 10 Powerful Habits that will Accelerate your Career

Career habits

It does not matter if you’re a worker working at a very large international corporation, an emerging startup, or a small business, exhibiting great work habits is key to impressing your business and office managers or bosses and boosting your career. Regardless of how long you may have been in your field, the overarching principles are the same: Act very professionally, show keen interest, and work very hard. Good work habits are imperative for anyone who wants to succeed in his or her job.

In this article are 10 (ten) powerful habits that will accelerate and elevate your career to the next and greater level listed out by me to help guide and lead you through this priceless journey.

Below are the 10 powerful habits that will accelerate your career:

1. Make People Feel Important (SHR Method)

Your formula to be charismatic:


• Give eye contact

• Offer a specific compliment


• Ask good questions

• Be interested, not interesting


• Follow up

• Remember name(s)

• Recall something you discussed.

2. Hone Your Body Language (7-38-55 Rule)

People will like or dislike your communication based on;

• 7% words

• 38% tonality and face, and

• 55% body language

Stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, make eye contact, smile, give a firm handshake...

You will be dangerous.

3. Master the 4-Bullet Update

Powerful people are busy.

(They might not remember what they asked you to do.)

Give an update with this outline:

• Here’s what you asked me to do

• Here’s what I did

• Here are the risks/blockers (if any)

• If given more time, I'd do this.

4. Record and Study Your Speaking

The best communicator I know told me her secret:

She records her calls.

Then she replays them, studies them

(Like an athlete watching game film).

You’ll cut ‘ums’ and ‘likes.’

99.9% won’t do this. Be the outlier.

5. Ask Rapport-Building Questions

Your network is your net worth.

Build bonds with these Qs:

• What neighborhood are you in?

• Do you have any siblings/kids?

• How'd you meet your partner? (if mentioned)

• Any fun upcoming trips?

Simple, but most people miss this.

6. Send ‘Friday Highlights’

If you're new to a team, do this to build trust.

Every Friday, send your supervisor(s) a short email.

Two parts:

1) Highlights from the prior week

• Big tasks completed

• People networked with

• Extra-curriculars (like affinity groups)

2) Upcoming activities for next week

• Forward-looking big tasks and networking


Friday Highlights will help you:

• Build trust

• Hold yourself accountable

• Tactfully self-promote (perception is reality)

• Have everything you need for self-reviews.

7. Don’t Complain or Gossip Ever

Nobody likes to hear complaining- I repeat, nobody.

So why do we do it ourselves?

(Respectfully standing up for yourself is different.)

Separately, when you talk bad about others, people wonder if you talk bad about them too. This is just logical.

Do not contribute to gossip mill, Just don’t do it!

8. Remember ALL the Names

A person’s favorite sound is their name.

I have a theory about their 2nd favorite sound:

The names of their loved ones and pets.

Whenever you hear one mentioned, write it down.

Later, ask *by name* about them.

You will most definitely stand out.

9. Give Yourself a Personal MBA

I recently wrote a popular article on how to give yourself a personal MBA (in 10 months).

All it takes to finish is to read 30 minutes daily.

Get a knowledge advantage:

If you want to give yourself a personal MBA (in 10 months), read all these books listed in this article: 20 Powerful Books to Read for Your Self-Development

10. Ask Questions

In any circumstance, If by chance you don't understand how to do something or carry out a certain task, or how something works, ensure you get clarification (this is key) to your growth not only as a career man or woman but as a person. You may feel foolish asking what you consider a silly question, but that is way much better than making an avoidable mistake.

Powerful career habits

TL;DR 10 Powerful Career Habits


• Make people feel important

• Hone your body language

• Master the 4-bullet update

• Study your speaking

• Ask rapport-building questions

• Send Friday highlights

• Don’t complain/gossip

• Remember all the names

• Give yourself a personal MBA

  • Ask questions.

Accelerate your career by adding just a few of these habits.

I hope you get the most out of this wonderful and amazing piece I've drafted for your consumption.

You can drop your views in the comment section if you find this piece useful. ✌

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