20 Powerful Books to Read for Your Self-Development

20 Powerful Books to Read for Your Self-Development

20 Powerful Books to Read maffystechy.com.ng

The easiest way to 'finish reading 20 books yearly' even if the last time you read a book was before you graduated from secondary school is to start by changing your mindset about reading. Many readers think reading is an activity for successful people only while others think there is no enough time for reading. Regardless of what you may think, reading is a skill like cooking, dancing, and driving. It's something you can learn at ease. In fact, if you are seeking to rise above the ordinary you should create the habit of reading. But first, you've to deal with your mindset and start taking baby steps to reading. In my experience, most people are unable to finish a book because: they picked the wrong book, they don't commit, they try to do it alone or they don't create environments that help them read. Now a lot of successful people will just tell you to 'read books' But let's be honest. Finishing one book is not as easy as they make it seem. I know reading a 20 books may seem like a difficult task. But you don't have to read 20 books this year. Instead, start by reading only books that interest you. I had to do this myself back in the days when I couldn't finish one book I'd spend days planning to flip a page. Spending hours and long breaks at the library so I could get used to reading. I was certain about one thing, that I'll eventually become an avid reader who will not only read one book a week but more than 20 interesting books yearly.

Hi, I’m Ben. I received an MBA from Cornell. I’ve also read 300+ business books. Trust me: You can get 90% of the knowledge from reading books (and without spending $150k). So, I put together a 10 month personal MBA for you...

The 10 month curriculum is 20 books (you’ll read 2 books every month). Subjects:

Reading Strategy Entrepreneurship Accounting/Finance Personal Finance Marketing Operations Systems Thinking Public Speaking Negotiation Networking Leadership Productivity/Effectiveness.

Give yourself a personal MBA (in just 10 months) by reading these 20 powerful books listed below. Here we go...

1. Baby Steps to Reading By Lengdung Tungchama

Subject: Reading Lessons: • Building strong reading habits • Reading channels.
Baby Steps to Reading

I highly recommend you to read this book. The content in this book can not be exaggerated. Invaluable is the best word I can use to describe the power of this book. You can get your copy of the book by sending an email to lengdungtungchamma0@gmail.com or visit this link to purchase at any amount you wish to pay.

2. Zero to One by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters Subject: Strategy Lessons: • Escape competition • Contrarian approaches create value • Go from “0 to 1,” not “from 1 to n”

Zero to One

3. The Lean Startup by Eric Ries Subject: Entrepreneurship Lessons: • Build minimum viable products • When in doubt, simplify • Win by getting feedback + learning fast.

The Lean Startup

4. Financial Intelligence by Karen Berman, Joe Knight, John Case Subject: Accounting/Finance Lessons: • Learn to read financial statements (​​Income, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow) • Fund projects based on expected ROI.

Financial Intelligence

5. I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi Subject: Personal Finance Lessons: • Get clear about your ‘Rich Life’ • Save and invest money before you ever see it • Create an automated money system.

I Will Teach You to Be Rich

6. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries Subject: Marketing Lessons: • Perception is reality • Own a word/category to boost brand • Follow the 22 law checklist.

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

7. The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt Subject: Operations Lessons: • Identify and exploit bottlenecks • Increase net profit + increase ROI + increase cash flow.

The Goal

8. Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows Subject: Systems Thinking Lessons: • To change any system, focus on 12 points of leverage • Purposes are deduced from behavior, not words • Create feedback loops.

Thinking in Systems

9. Steal the Show by Michael Port Subject: Public Speaking Lessons: • Cut out filler words by practicing material • Use pauses for impact • Act “as if” to build confidence.

Steal the Show

10. Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss Subject: Negotiation Lessons: • Prepare your best-alternative-option in advance • Let your counterpart make the first offer • Be prepared for extremes • Ask open-ended questions.

Never Split the Difference

11. How to Be a Power Connector by Judy Robinett Subject: Networking Lessons: • Your network is your net worth • Choose your environment wisely (find power centers) • Build depth and diversity in your network • Follow the 5+50+100 Rule.

How to Be a Power Connector

12. Teams of Teams by General Stanley A. McChrystal Subject: Leadership Lessons: • The world is complex and chaotic • Resiliency and adaptability are crucial to success • Leaders create more leaders, not followers.

Teams of Teams

13. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson Subject: Productivity and Effectiveness Lessons: • Money and happiness are skills • Productize yourself • A good reputation is invaluable • Play long-term iterated games, compound your growth • And much, much more...

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

14. The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion Subject: Memoir; Relationship Lessons: • Learn how to approach loss/grief • Some things are outside your control (accept this) • Life goes on.

The Year of Magical Thinking

15. Bigger Leaner Stronger

by Michael Matthews

(For women-specific advice, see ‘Thinner Leaner Stronger’)

Subject: Health & Wellness.


• Follow a proven workout plan

• Emphasize heavy compound movements (squat, bench, deadlift, etc.)

• Track your sets and weight.

Bigger Leaner Stronger

16. The Algebra of Happiness

by Scott Galloway


Subject: General Advice



• Work hard: Your 20s set your career trajectory

• Opportunity is a function of density. Pick an environment that’s crowded with success

• If something is free and brings you joy, do more of THAT.

The Algebra of Happiness

17. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

by Cheryl Strayed


Subject: Autobiography, Travel



• Pain is a catalyst to change your life for the better

• Fear is the story we tell ourselves

• Being a human in nature is intensely satisfying (do this more).

Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail

18. Man's Search for Meaning

by Viktor Frankl


Subject: Psychology



• Success (and survival) depends on our ability to find meaning in life

• A compelling ‘Why’ can push you through the toughest of circumstances.

Man's Search for Meaning

19. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

By Richard Feynman (Nobel-prizewinning physicist)


Subject: Autobiography; Science



• Be outrageously curious

• The first rule: Don’t fool yourself

• Apply the ‘Feynman Technique’ for deep learning/understanding.

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

20. Getting Past Your Breakup

by Susan J. Elliott


Subject: Relationship



• Remember that love is an action

• Follow a policy of ‘no contact’ for self-care

• Learn the phases of grief and label them

• Post-breakup is an opportunity to change your life.

Getting Past Your Breakup

For sticking to this piece to this point, I'll be sharing with you also, an extra powerful book to read for your self development. This book

The 4-Hour Workweek

by Tim Ferriss


Subject: Entrepreneurship



• Join the ‘New Rich’ and practice lifestyle design

• How to escape the 9-5

• Build a ‘muse’ that earns money as you sleep

• Apply the 80/20 Principle to be maximally effective.

That was 20 Powerful Books to Read for Your Self-Development, your 10 month personal MBA! All it takes to complete is by reading for just thirty30 minutes in a day.

All credit goes to Mr. Ben Meer @systemsunday and Lengdung Tungchama @LengdungT for giving me the inspiration to set out this wonderful, amazing, incredible and useful piece for your self-development.

If you find this piece rich and helpful, give me a thumbs up in the comment section and do well also to share with your friends. Your reviews are needed too folks!

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