8 Easy Ways to Make Money Online


8 Easy Ways to Make Money Online

8 Super Ways to Make Money Online

Everyone wants to make money online. But sometimes it seems so difficult and impossible for most people to make money online because they are so reserved that they feel that making money online is only meant for extroverts.

Actually making money online is not as easy as you think, or as people will paint it. Making money online requires so much commitment and dedication. You will have to put in more work and efforts, timing too. There are so many ways to earn money online, and in this article I'll be sharing with you 8 recommended ways to make money online passively.

It's not just extroverts who can make money through side hustles online. Making money online is for everyone.

And this 8 ways to make money online I'll be sharing with you is for everyone (be you an extrovert or an introvert). All you need is your gadget and internet connection , also a little bit of skill.

1. Writing

Many introverts like to communicate their ideas and thoughts through writing. Because it involves almost no interaction with others.

Writing is a great way to make money online and blogs are still one of the best ways to generate a good income.

I used to wonder how people make money on the internet through their writing. I didn't think there were many ways to make money from by just writing.

The truth is writing is one of the most important skills and can help you make life-changing money.

Over the years I've come across many ways through which one can make money by writing. In this article, we are going to discuss some of them.

Of course, I have not figured out all the ways. But here are the important ones you should know about and can get started with.

  •  Freelance Writing

Writing paid articles is not an easy way to get started.

A lot of businesses and publications are continuously looking for good quality content to stay relevant. So they pay external writers to write guest articles for them in exchange for money.

Everyone is good at something. You always know about a certain topic better than others.

One of the best ways to monetize this knowledge is by writing about it.

There are companies in every niche who are looking for good quality content. But the problem is it is difficult to find the right publications or websites that pay writers to write articles. 

Especially when you're a beginner, you simply don't know where to look. 

Here are some good website to find freelancing writing jobs:

1. https://makealivingwriting.com/make-money-writing/

2. https://problogger.com/jobs/

3. https://upwork.com

4. https://flexjobs.com

5. https://solidgigs.com

6. https://workingincontent.com

7. https://contentwritingjobs.com

  • Writing eBooks

With the booming creator economy, more and more people are creating info products and making good money online.

This practice has increased especially after COVID happened. People have a lot of spare time and are looking for ways to monetize their knowledge.

You don't need to be an expert in a field to write an eBook. You can do research on a topic & write about it in your own way.

 People love to pay for knowing what you already know.

eBooks can be as small as a 20 pages and as big as 500 pages. It really doesn't matter.

Once you have an eBook there are many ways to sell it. Having an online presence definitely makes it easy, but it's not mandatory to have one.

You can even run Instagram or Facebook Ads and still make sales. If you don't know how to do it, you can hire someone who is an expert at this.

  • Medium Partner Program

MPP is a great way to quickly start making money writing online. But you need be very consistent and write a lot of articles to make any significant money. 

Some people who make over 5K USD post couple of articles per week. Sometimes 1 article a day!

On Medium, getting into big publications is the way to get more views on your articles when you're still small.

There are tens of thousands of publications on Medium across all topics. 

You will find many resources and videos on how to get into publications on Medium.

  • Monetize your blog

Having a blog in a niche is a great way to showcase your skills and be considered as the subject matter expert.

It takes a lot of effort and time to start seeing good traffic on your blog. Writing articles is just one part of building a successful blog.

You need to optimize your blog for SEO and take care of getting backlinks.

Once you have a blog which get's traffic, it's easy to monetize it by integrating ads, adding affiliate links, paid partnerships etc.

A good blog can help you make a lot of money in passive income!

  • Paid Promotions

Influencer marketing is becoming popular these days. Companies are looking to partner with small influencers to promote their products instead of using ads.

As you build your online presence the opportunities to partner with companies are immense.

You can partner with companies to write product reviews, tutorials and sometimes simply writing articles on the topic that they ask you to.

Companies pay well depending on your writing skills and audience size.

Apart from all these you can even apply for full-time writing jobs if that's something you're interested in.

2. Get Paid to Read Books

Imagine being curled up in a chair with a warm cup of tea, snuggled up in a blanket, and a good book in hand.  

Now imagine getting paid to do that. 

There are plenty of ways to get paid from reading.

You could make money:

- Writing book reviews

- Becoming a freelance copy editor

- Narrating audiobooks

- Translating books into different languages

- Formatting e-books for publication.

3. Web developer

Coding is one of the in-demand skills right now. You can learn web development by following courses on platforms like freeCodeCamp, YouTube, Udemy, being part of a Twitter community, etc.

Once you learn this skill, you can monetize this skill in many ways.

You can work as a freelancer, build simple one-page websites for small businesses, create digital products, etc.

There are so many areas you can get into: backend developer, front-end developer, UX designer, etc.

Chose one, become an expert in it, and start selling services.

Here are some websites to find web development jobs:

- LinkedIn

- RemoteOk

- Twitter

- Working Nomads

- We Work Remotely.

4. Get paid to read emails

Nobody likes a filled inbox and more importantly missing an important email. If you don't mind reading emails and decluttering inboxes then you can make some decent money doing it.

There are a ton of sites that will pay you to read emails, here are a few of them:



Vindale Research


If you don't like to rely on other websites, then you can start selling your own service that specializes in inbox management.

5. Proofreading and Editing

If you've got an eye for detail, you can make money as a proofreader or an editor.

Proofreading is essentially reviewing written documents for spelling errors, incorrect punctuations, and grammar mistakes.

You don't need to fix. Just point them out.

And if you want to make some extra money you can even fix the errors yourself. Here are some good articles to get you started:

How to Become a Proofreader for Beginners



Here are some websites to find proofreading and editing jobs:






6. Transcription

If you like typing, and you're an introvert, then becoming a transcriptionist may be the perfect side hustle for you.

Zero interaction and a pretty simple job.

All you have to do is convert audio files into written documents.

You may be wondering what kind of audio files?

Think about business meetings, interviews, lectures, radio shows, podcasts, etc. There are many jobs where people are looking for transcriptionists.

These jobs pay decently and can give you a very good side income.

Here are some websites that regularly hire transcriptionists:





7. Affiliate Marketing

One of the most famous methods of earning money online is affiliate marketing. Although its popularity has fluctuated throughout the years, it is still a very reliable way to make money online. The best thing about affiliate marketing is that you may select from a great variety of brands to work with.

This is one of the easiest ways to start making money online. You basically helps others sell their products by redirecting your audience to partner websites.

Affiliate marketing is easy because you're not creating a new product yourself.

You are promoting the already proven products which people love. You just need to take care of selling them.

Almost all the companies offer Affiliate programs which you can signup to and start promoting their products.

But the caveat here is that you need to have a loyal audience to which you sell these products. 

And building an audience takes time, but it's totally worth it.

You can build an audience on channels like Twitter, Instagram by providing valuable content for a long time.

8. Create A YouTube Channel

The key to succeeding on YouTube is to produce content that viewers will pay for. Use creative titles to draw viewers to your videos, and include keywords in the description to improve YouTube search. You can start using YouTube advertisements to monetize your channel once you hit the 1,000 subscriber mark.

In order to develop a robust, devoted audience on YouTube, your channel should concentrate on a specific niche. You may, for instance, make spoof videos, review things, teach skills, stream video games, provide cosmetics lessons, or whatever else you believe would be of interest to viewers.

These are some of the ways to make money online. I hope you find this piece helpful. Do not let this tag stop you from picking up a side hustle, starting a business, and making money online.

I hope you learned something new today.

Go out there and build an empire ✌

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