9 Bad Habits that Stops your Dreams from Becoming Reality

 9 Bad Habits that Stops your Dreams from Becoming Reality

Bad Habits maffystechy.com.ng

Young people these days are overwhelmed with so much distractions of all kinds in their day-to-day life. These distractions thereby carry away their attention and focus from engaging themselves into productive activities that will yield great and positive results in achieving their dreams.

In this article, I am going to run you through these realistic but problematic habits that can drastically block your dreams from becoming a reality. 

I'll need you to be intentional about changing these negative habits even as you read through.

Note, these are normal and realistic habits that are not negative in their real sense, but too much and foolish engagement in them makes them to become negative and bad habits.

Below are 9 bad habits that can shatter your dreams from becoming a reality: 

1) Phone addiction

Phone addiction maffystechy.com.ng

Aside depriving you of productivity, too much use of your cell phone or smartphone can result into a number of various problems both psychological or physical such as; anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, eye strain (which can lead to headache) etc.

You’re unhappy because your dopamine receptors are fried.

Checking your phone 100+ times per day is NOT only destroying your happiness

But your ability to get shit done.

The best productivity app on your phone is called airplane mode (use it).

2) Netflix


It’s okay for you to watch Netflix. In fact, everyone deserves and needs some entertainment in his or her life. But spending a whole day on Netflix is what will crumble you. You spend most of your day time meant for you to be engaged with doing something productive and you expect to achieve your dreams? Don’t be silly.

You could be living your dreams, but instead, you decide to live someone else’s.

TV is passive; reading is active.

TV shuts off your brain; reading turns on your imagination.

Your mind deserves better than Netflix.

Cancel your subscription, and thank me later.

3) Sitting All Day

Just so you know, research has proven that sitting down for longer periods of time may result in a number of health issues such as; increased blood pressure, obesity, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist region and unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Our ancestors used to hunt mammoths.

Now we sit at desks for 8 hours every day.

Then we watch TV for another 4 hours (on average).

Humans aren’t built for this.

Get a standing desk, go for walks, and move your body daily.

4) Perfectionism

The no.1 factor that influences creative success!

The volume of work produced.

Change your mindset with the 70-20-10 Rule:

- 70% of your work will suck

- 20% will be average

- 10% will be amazing

If you’re avoiding failure, you’re avoiding success.

Get up on your feet today and face your fears. Do it now!

5) Pornography

Watching pornography

Pornography according to several studies so far is linked with poor mental and emotional health. These effects varies from brain fog and social anxiety through to depression, also eating disorders.

The most dangerous drug is instant gratification.

The comfort culture (like pornography) gets people addicted to it.

You lose time, energy, and your edge.

But you already know this.


6) Eating Processed Foods

Processed foods often contain unhealthy levels of added sugar, sodium and fat. These ingredients make the foods taste much better, but too much of them leads to serious health concerns such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. These processed foods are mostly lacking in nutritional value.

Uncomfortable fact:

More people die in the U.S. of overfeeding than underfeeding.

Today food companies optimize for "Bliss-Point."

They engineer the exact combination of salt, sugar, and fat for tastiness.

Soda, chips, candy bars, etc. are all "bliss-point" optimized.

It's killing millions.

Choose unprocessed, whole foods today.

You will feel ON (finally).

7) Treating Symptoms Instead of Root Causes

Xanax, Adderall, weight loss pills...

I’m not talking about people who are prescribed these.

I’m talking about the people abusing them instead of treating root causes.

Get addicted to exercising, eating clean, and sleeping 7.5+ hrs.

8) Swiping Endlessly on Dating Apps

Dating Apps

The comfort culture avoids face-to-face interaction.

Even voice texts are seen as a personal assault these days…

Being courageous in real life is more attractive than anything you could ever say in a dating app.

9) False Kindness

Today our society walks on eggshells.

It takes the form of participation trophies and avoiding tough conversations.

People aren’t getting the critical feedback they need to grow.

Create an inner circle that will give you honest feedback.

TL;DR for bad habits blocking your dreams

1. Phone Addiction

2. Netflix

3. Sitting All Day

4. Perfectionism

5. Pornography

6. Processed Foods

7. Treating Symptoms

8. Swiping Endlessly on Dating Apps

9. False Kindness

Eliminate these 9 bad habits and you’ll live a more fulfilled life—guaranteed.

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