How to Gain a Good Body Shape in 6 Weeks

 How to Gain a Good Body Shape in 6 Weeks 

How to Gain a Good Body Shape in 6 Weeks

It's a dream for every man, woman, child, adult to gain and maintain a good and health body shape. Achieving this requires a routine of diet and exercises. 

On the flip side, while it is achievable and comes with a good feeling it also requires so much hard work and dedication. Every rule and step must be followed and observed judiciously.

In this article, I'll be sharing some tips and guides of which if you will follow diligently, will help you in achieving this goal.

So, let's get to work!

Below are steps to follow:

1. Do Abs Everyday

Abs exercise

Abs workouts is known for strengthening the muscles around the spine area and improves posture as the body's weight is correctly distributed. Having a good posture is key in increased confidence and also good health for the spine.

Your abs recover faster than other muscle groups.

So, you’ll do 10-15 minutes of abs daily.

Hit this on an empty stomach—right when you wake up.

It’s all bodyweight, no equipment required.

My go-to routine? Youtube: “Athlean-x 22.”

2. Drink your Bodyweight in OZ of Water

Staying hydrated always is imperative for a healthy body and well-being, as dehydration can affect the brain's structure and functions. 

Water intake helps dissolve minerals and nutrients in the body, making them more accessible to the body. It also helps remove waste products from the body, maintaining a healthy kidney.

Example: 180lb male = 180 fl oz

This does two things:

- Replenishes muscles to function

- Supports your willpower

78% of the population is dehydrated. Being as little as 2% dehydrated leads to impaired decision-making.

3. Follow a Low (or No) Carb Diet

Disclaimer: I’m not a nutritionist.

I follow Keto, which limits carbs to 30 per day.

You don’t have to be that strict.

Another option: Tim Ferriss’ slow carb diet, which prohibits starchy carbs.

(No bread, pasta, rice, grains, etc).

4. Eat More Protein

Protein food

All the cells in the human body contains protein. You need protein in your diet to help your body repair cells and make new ones and also to build and repair tissue in the body. Protein is also an important building block of bones, cartilage, skin and muscles.

Protein is also crucial for growth and development in children, teens, and pregnant women.

Here’s what works for me (hard gainer).

Consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.

I’m 180lb, so this means about 225g of protein per day.

This amount will likely be more than you’re used to...

Track protein after each meal, or you’ll likely under consume.

Aim for whole foods. 

Supplement with protein shakes (as needed).

I like Isopure Zero Carb.

5. Don’t Drink Calories

Limit alcohol intake to Just 1 (one) per day.

Be mindful of the calories and sugar content.

Sugar is carbs and will violate Rule #3.

Soda is an addiction; break it.

6. Sleep 7.5+ Hours Every Night


Your muscles need sleep to recover.

I also highly recommend taking a midday power nap (if you can).

You’ll get two days of energy in one.

7. Do Cardio 4-5x Weekly

Aim for 20-40 minutes of cardio.

I do this as a separate session from strength training.

(Either on a lunch break or before dinner)

But you can also hit it after lifting.

Try cycling (low joint stress).

The important thing: move your body daily.

8. Strength Train 5x Weekly 

Each session consists of 3 exercises of 3-4 sets.

Stay in the heavier 4-6 rep range for each set.

Warm-up with lesser weights.


Day 1: Chest

Day 2: Back and Calves

Day 3: Shoulders

Day 4: Legs Day

Day 5: Upper Body (Chest, Bis, Tris)

9. Track Your Progress

What gets measured gets managed.

Weigh yourself weekly (on the same day and time).

Progress leads to motivation.

Motivation leads to discipline and consistency.

I recommend a smart scale that automatically logs your weight (Garmin or Renpho).

10. Hold Yourself Accountable

Psychology says, take this 6-week challenge with a friend.

Also, consider setting negative stakes on StickK:

If you fail to follow through with your commitment,

you can tell StickK to donate money to a cause you dislike.

The TL;DR:


- Everyday Abs

- Drink water (bodyweight in OZ)

- Low to no carb diet

- High protein

- Don’t drink calories

- Sleep 7.5+ hours per night



- Do cardio 4-5x per week (20-40 minutes)

- Strength train 5x per week (<1 hour)

- Track progress (w/ scale)

- Be accountable

That's a 6-week roadmap to getting in the best shape of your life.

No luck. No shortcuts. Just smart, consistent action.

Drop your comments in the comment section if you have any questions!

Note that, I'm not selling anything here. I'm just passionate about fitness.


You deserve to feel high-energy and amazing!

If you find this piece helpful, kindly do well to share with friends and family.

You can read also: 7 best tools to grow your Twitter Followers

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