Top 10 Websites That Will Improve Your Typing Speed

 Top 10 Websites That Will Improve Your Typing Speed


Have you ever wanted to improve your typing speed or skills because your job requires you to have a speedy typing skill? Do not fret, you are at the right place. 

Actually, for some professions, more words per minute can mean more money in the pocket.

In this article, I have set up and listed out 10 amazing websites that will guide and train you through becoming proficient in typing. So fasten your seat belts as I take you on a journey of  these10 websites that have helped me immensely. And I trust will do same to you too.

Before we dive into our discussion, let me tell you a short story about myself;

When I began my odyssey into the world of computers, I typed miserably.

I didn't know which key was where.

Heck! I didn't even know that there was a 'certain' way (It is called touch typing) I should have typed.

But typing correctly not only is faster, it also reduces the chances of you developing injuries in your fingers.

So, let's get back to business;

Below are the top 10 amazing websites that will improve your typing speed. They are:


For learning to type, has a highly attractive, straightforward interface. Choose from three different skill levels, seven different languages, and whether you want to type content directly from a website, custom text, or randomly generated text.

The necessary keystrokes for beginners to recognize on the keyboard are displayed visually. The onscreen keyboard highlights the most-typed keys in bright green when the test is over and highlights errors in red.

This is one of the earliest websites I used when I was learning how to type.

To this day, I still use it from time to time.

It has some sort of AI (I think) that blends in keys you have trouble typing.

That way, you practice 'difficult' keys more.


Numerous elements on can help you get better at typing. First, select a typing test. During the test, you can choose which sentences, paragraphs, or words to type. You can also choose how long your typing test will last. This website provides a typing lesson, a place to practice difficult keys, and a number of typing games.

This website is what I wish I had started with.

It is so handy that it tops my recommendation.

If you want to learn how to type and have ample practice lessons, look no further. This I recommend to be your starting point. Go for it!


It's a fantastic idea to use as a typing tutor website for students, teachers, and organizations. Learn useful keyboard techniques to make your work more productive. You can get a typing certificate after finishing the Ratatype course, which might impress your acquaintances and possible employment.

This again is a website that has tons of practice lessons and also teaches you how to type.

I used it mainly for its exercises. It has lots of them.

4. is another one of my favorite websites.

It is practically an entire course on typing with final exams, graduation and everything. This website comes with a full package for typing lessons.

Do check it out!


If you have covered typing basics well and want to kick things up a notch, I recommend

It is targeted mainly at programmers so you'll get ample practice of the special symbol keys that we developers have to type repeatedly.

I don't recommend starting with this though!

6. is a set of competitive games that enormously drives your desire to type faster to beat other oppositions or opponents. The quicker you hit on your keyboard keys, the faster your car moves along the track. Essentially, whoever finished the paragraph first has the fastest moving car and will win the race game.

If you are a competitive minded person and competitive scenarios makes you work harder, then I recommend that you should play Typeracer to improve your typing speed. This is the game for you!

7. allows you to take a test to find out which specific typing lesson you should begin with when you take their course. There are words, letter combinations, and numbers on the typing test. The test will end and then instruct you to continue at the first lesson if you don't perform well at the beginning. The website simulates the typing sound when you take the course and type. In Typingclub, errors display in red, whereas correctly typed words appear in green. Your speed and accuracy are reported by the program at the conclusion of each lesson.


With you can participate in two different ategories of typing exams and competitions.

With an advantage, one of its unique characteristics is the opportunity to participate in typing competitions. Each competition is available for 24 hours, and within the period of this duration you will have the chance to win.

If you wonder if it has a mobile version, yes it also has one. This is super cool!


With there are no advertisements (Ads), usage restrictions, or registration requirements for this free platform. From beginner to advanced classes are available at Rapidtyping. In addition to English, French, Arabic, and other languages, the courses are also offered in Russian.

Rapidtyping displays virtual keyboards with color-coded keys to help you distinguish between different keyboard zones and know which fingers are required to tap which keys to aid in your understanding of techniques and finger placement. This program lets you keep track of your development to measure how much you advance over time.

10. is a minimalistic, customizable typing website.

This website only offers exercises and workouts; there are no registration requirements, no games, or contests.

Monkeytype is the most preferable choice if you are comfortable with your typing and want to practice anytime you want to get better. All you need to do here is just visit the website and begin typing as quickly as you can while focusing on being accurate.

With this amazing websites listed above, I'm pretty sure that both beginners and advanced users will find these sites beneficial for learning and developing a faster typing speed.

And it's a wrap!

I'm no typing expert but for a guy who typed 15 words a minute, had you told me that with just a tiny bit of practice I'd go on to achieve a maximum typing speed of over 90 words per minute, I wouldn't have believed you.

And yet it is true!

I hope I've inspired you.

Good luck!

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