How to Make Money from LinkedIn

 How to Make Money from LinkedIn

How to make money is amongst the most searched keyword on the internet today, because everyone wants to make money.

In this article, I am going to talk to you about a pretty unique subject. I'm sure a lot of you have heard about LinkedIn or have a LinkedIn account.

Many of us know about LinkedIn but don't know how to make money from it and how to use it maximally. I will unravel to you step by step process on how to make money on LinkedIn.

So, today, let's talk about LinkedIn guys!

First things first...

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a social network launched on May 5, 2003 that focuses on professional networking and career development. LinkedIn has a specific purpose. While other social networks such as Twitter and Facebook focus more on your personal life, LinkedIn is all about professional networking—that is, building a group of contacts to help advance your career.

Today, more and more businesses use LinkedIn to screen and recruit potential employees.

LinkedIn also has a powerful job search tool that can find openings around the world.

How to Create an Account on LinkedIn

You are all aware that one must first be registered to any platform before he or she can make money online using that platform, this is also the same with LinkedIn. That is to say, to make earnings from LinkedIn, you must first register or to have a LinkedIn account.

So now, I will be taking you through a step by step procedure on how to open a LinkedIn account. So stick to this as we walk through this path together.

Below are step-by-step procedure on how to create an account on LinkedIn:

Step 1: First, you will have to go to the LinkedIn website and visit. 

Here is the link -

Step 2: Now, as soon as you arrive at the LinkedIn website, you will see an option to sign up or join. All you need to do is to click on it.

Step 3: After clicking, you will be required to fill a form (fill in your details).

  • You must enter your first name
  • You must enter your last name
  • Your email address must be entered too
  • After which you will have to create or enter a password of at least 6 to 8 digits.
After you're done with filling the form, you now have to click on Join Now.

Step 4: Here in this step, you will be asked to verify your mobile number. You will need to fill in the required details before confirming.
  • You must select your country
  • Now, you have to enter your mobile number
  • After you're done filling this details, you have to finally click on Send Code.
Step 5: As soon as you click Send Code, an OTP (One Time Password) will be sent to the number you entered instantly. Now to proceed, you have to enter this OTP code and confirm. 
You will then be asked for your postal code. This is optional, so if you want to enter your postal code, you can. After doing all this you have to click next.

Step 6: Now at this point, you have to fill in your professional details.
  • If you are a Student, you must click Yes to confirm.
  • Now, you will be asked of your school name. All you need to do is to enter the name of the school/institution from which you have studied or currently studying.
  • Here, you will be asked the degree. Now, you just have to enter the degree you have done or are currently doing.
  • After specifying your degree, you also have to give your area of specialization (course/field of study).
  • After that, you need to indicate the year you started your studies and you have to enter your final year of studies.
  • Now, you will see a box asking if you're up to 18 years of age. you have to click only if you are 18 or above 18 years of age.
  • After you're done with this process, you have to click on next to proceed.
Step 7: At this point, you will have to choose your category. This means you have to enter the area in which you are interested.

Step 8: After doing all this, you just need to confirm or click on the permission that will be asked.

Step 9: After you have completed all this processes, you have to click Go in your Google Inbox to verify your email ID. 
After verification process is completed, your LinkedIn account has been created successfully. 

Now you can use it to earn money!

How to Make Money from LinkedIn

Now let's go properly into the area of contention!

This is where I will be sharing with you how to make money from LinkedIn.

Stated below are ways you can earn and make money using LinkedIn:

1. Post Contents

Just as stated at the beginning of this article, LinkedIn is a social media platform used by professionals. So, if we now consider how to earn and profit from it, you will see that you can make money by offering your services here. This refers to the industry or field you are skilled in, such as marketing, graphic design, or web design etc.

If you are an expert in such fields, you can find clients from here and earn money by working on their projects. 
Some of you might be wondering why they would give you the project if there are so many people out there. So let me tell you that you have to post about this area.

As people see and like your LinkedIn post, they will begin to think of you as a master in that area. Along with this, your followers will also increase. And before you know it people will begin to contact you asking you to work for them.

By doing this, you can now earn money working for different clients.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Do you know that you can get paid selling peoples products online? If you start affiliate marketing on LinkedIn, earning a living out of it is assured because posts spread widely and quickly across people via LinkedIn. Therefore, a high tendency that your products will be sold in no time.
People have made hundreds of thousands of dollar through affiliate marketing on LinkedIn.

3. Photo Editing/Graphic Design

If you are versatile with photo editing or graphic designing, you can earn money from LinkedIn very easily. All you have to do is upload the samples of photos you have edited as a post on LinkedIn and use 1 to 2 hash-tags in the post.
By doing so, your post will spread across people and if they like your work, they will contact you to edit or design for them. And you can earn or make your money from this.

4. Start a DM Agency

I believe you are all aware that the world of digital marketing is perpetual. Digital marketing is here to stay. So if you are an SEO expert, or an experienced Content writer, or you have a great advertisement skill, you can start your own agency and offer your services to people and earn money from doing so. You can also use the method provided for you above by compelling people to becoming your customers with your copies by telling them about your services through DM (Direct Message).

There are a great number of managers and CEOs of different companies and organizations looking for skilled persons to recruit or employ. In such a situation, if you have any skills, you can DM them and send your resume to them and earn money after securing a job.

Building a Compelling Personal Brand on LinkedIn

You all know that every company or organization wants to grow large and make astonishing profit, and in order to achieve this goal every organization wants to employ the best hands that can give them the best and desired result. So, no one will hire you if you don't have an attractive and alluring profile or personal brand. Until your personal brand is built in a compelling manner on LinkedIn you will find it difficult to secure a job.

Because everyone wants quality not quantity. When you build your personal brand or launch a brand, many people will associate with you, so you won’t need to do any marketing to advertise yourself.

Also, the brand you have launched or the services you are providing will be easily marketable if you have an attractive and compelling personal brand on LinkedIn.

How to grow a business on LinkedIn

Are you a business owner who seeks to grow your customer base?

If you have a company or business you want to grow, you can promote it for free with the help of LinkedIn.

This is simple, let’s say you have a business and you have 10,000 followers on your LinkedIn profile, you can compel them into becoming your customers and then sell your services or products to them.

All you need to do is to keep posting good contents on your profile. When you keep sharing good content on your profile, you begin to get their attention. And when you have finally gotten their audience, it's now up to you how you convert all these people into customers. 

There’s nothing stopping you from making good money from LinkedIn if you convert them into customers.

And it's a wrap!

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Good luck!

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