INEC accredits 146,913 observers to monitor polls

INEC accredits 146,913 observers to monitor polls

INEC accredits 146,913 observers to monitor polls

For the general elections in 2023, 146,913 local and foreign observers will be stationed, according to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). Therefore, the Commission issued a warning to observers not to meddle with the poll.

Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, the chairman of INEC, revealed this yesterday in Abuja during the Commission's briefing for observers. The chairman of INEC claims that there are the most observers ever in the history of the nation.

He claimed that 196 domestic and national organizations, which sent out 144,800 observers, and 33 foreign organizations, which sent out 2,113 observers, were accredited by the Commission.

However, Yakubu urged the observers to carry out their duties in accordance with Nigerian legislation on election day.

He said: “I wish to remind observers that there is a code of conduct for election observation. You are by definition observers. Do not interfere with the process or show partisanship.

“In addition, international observers must be guided by the fact that the election is conducted by the Federal Republic of Nigeria, whose sovereignty must be respected. I urge you all to keep to the rules.”

Yakubu also mentioned that the country's electoral system has been improved as a result of the observations and suggestions made by election observers over the years.

The UK has pledged to deal with anyone, politician or not, who might want to use violence or engage in behaviors that could jeopardise the future of Nigeria's democracy process before Saturday's presidential and National Assembly elections.

Catriona Laing, the British High Commissioner to Nigeria, revealed this yesterday in an interview with Arise TV.

Laing claims that the American government, which earlier this month during a visit to INEC headquarters pledged to impose a visa ban on an individual or group of individuals who plan or engage in violent activities that may jeopardize the Nigerian electioneering process, has convinced the British government to follow suit.

“So, our policy is very similar to the Americans; and we are watching very closely even if we have evidence to suggest that an individual isn’t necessarily a politician by the way. Such an individual or group of individuals doesn’t have to be politicians but could be somebody from the security side; it could be an individual citizen who is not directly a politician.

“As long as the person is inciting violence or directly participating in violence, the British government, through the High Commission in Nigeria, can prevent such an individual from travelling to the UK.”

She added: “We also have a new tool in our armoury that is human rights-related — sanctions can be placed on that individual. You will see later today a statement on the election from our Development Minister and African Minister, Andrew Mitchel, and there will be a clear statement on this which will be coming out soon.”

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has designated its Consumer Toll-Free Number 622 to serve as the 2023 Presidential Election Incident Hotline in recognition of the significance attached to the election. This will allow voters and members of the public throughout Nigeria to report any issues that may negatively impact them or others during the election on Saturday.

Prof. Umar Garba Danbatta, Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the NCC, made this announcement last night. He said the move was made to back INEC's commitment to holding trouble-free elections in Nigeria.

Consumers of telecommunications services are permitted to contact the Commission directly at the second level of the complaints process, the Toll-Free Number 622, in order to resolve issues with their telecommunications services that the service providers are unable to address.

“However, in consideration of the critical nature of this election and to alleviate emergent issues that may arise at the voting centres, or any parts of Nigeria thereof, the Commission has considered it expedient to dedicate the Toll-Free Number 622 to accommodate all types of complaints on election day.

“This is with a view to resolving such issues by contacting and conveying such to relevant agencies, authorities, or organisations for timely resolution.

“The 622 Election Incident Monitoring Centre will be manned by top Management officials of the Nigerian Communications Commission. The hotline will be open to the public from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. during the Presidential and National Assembly elections. Members of the public are, therefore, invited to take advantage of the Election Incident Monitoring Centre Hotline, 622,” he said.

INEC has been urged by THE Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to make sure that the upcoming elections accurately represent the preferences of voters. This was stated in a statement yesterday by NLC President Joseph Ajaero following a gathering of the congress' National Administrative Council (NAC).

He urged Nigerians to take an active role in the polls and make sure they protect their votes.

“NAC warns that the disruption of the electoral process by parties, politicians or their aides or privies or by whoever, will not be acceptable to it or the generality of Nigerians who have invested their time and resources.

“NAC calls on security agencies to guarantee the safety of voters, observers, INEC officials and all those associated with conducting free, fair and credible elections across the country. NAC similarly urges INEC to ensure that the electoral processes are not only transparent and fair but reflect the wishes of voters.” 

While this is going on, a group of Western Nigerian intellectuals and thought-leaders known as the Southwest Development Stakeholders' Forum (SWDSF) yesterday urged Nigerians, particularly those in the area, to abstain from violence and stop burning banks in favor of casting their ballots according to their moral convictions.

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